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Black Gold :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Another Blackflux Desktop Architecture theme in the making... Again, many thanx to Nightbreed for the excellent glyphs on the window buttons and for the Blackboxboxed font... And to all artists that co-operate for the creation of unique, package themes. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Black Gold by Pitkon 

sMs nice work... one question... interesting bbi cover ... does it really work? for a different song a different cover?? if yes.... tell me the secret (script) =P
Nightbreed This is nice... if this is what's to come in Blackflux, it's very interesting Pete. sMs, bbIbrowser will put covers on a bbi object so long as the directory contains a folders.jpg file... I'll document that soon.. But it is possible to do album covers with scripting.
Pitkon Thanx sMs, I think Gary replied to ur quest. Gary: this is just the beginning, I hope...
Shawan This menu looks great, is it an ability of blackflux?
sMs @Nightbreed thanx! illb waiting..
Pitkon Aude, this is where Blackflux is getting at. I don't work on it, so all I can say is there are problems; hopefully they will be solved :) This menu can (almost) be created with the existing BB clones, but the true target is full pixmaps...
cyeh the font is annoying and the colors are almost nauseating
ChainsawMessiah *drools*

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