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trust nature :: captain User captain
style based on the wallpaper to commemorate me getting my first lcd. a 19" viewsonic vx924 =D enjoy the style and btw... the menu has that blue/green as it's border as well.

p.s. sorry for the delay in releasing my ubuntubox interface. the thing is... i can release it. but, it's not resolution friendly, nor is it style friendly. you change the resolution, you'll have to move some things back in place. if you change the style.. you'll have to do some resizing of alotta crap, which is a pain. if you still want it, just drop me an email and as soon as i put the finish touches (organizing the shortcut folders and files) on it, i'll send it to you. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Trust Nature by Captain
Wallpaper trust_nature_1600 

thewayofzen loving the menu.. great work
Pitkon Darkie; looks good, tho :)
Nightbreed It is a nice style... When the new bbi comes out maybe I can create some sort of tcl script that can auto-pop bbi objects into place according to screensize.
frantic sleek desktop, nice style. first LCD is nice, too, remember when i got mine, ah, the joy...
Greybeard Wow! My first thought was, "Hey a Gnome desktop." ... Great work.
Roots Wow, love it, the wallpaper is freaking sweet and the colors are just great :) Nice work Captain!
qwilk Hmm, explain this to me: You define menu.title.borderCol or as #5f5f5f, and menu.frame.borderCol or as #83b8b2, yet bbLean uses the menu.frame.borderCol or for the entire outer border of the menu, and menu.title.borderCol or only for the border between the title and the area usually referred to as the "frame". Is that how it should be parsed? Does anyone know how it is parsed by bb4nix?
qwilk PS. I have noticed this in quite a few "bbLean" styles, and I am wondering if (1) you're designing your styles using a flawed menu rendering / style parsing, or (2) if I've missed something with regards to menu borders... =]
captain that is exactly how i intended it to be. if it's flawed, i personally don't want it fixed because it looks awesome.
Nightbreed To be honest qwilk, I found that feature (or flaw) by accident. I don't recall that being part of bblean in the past... Maybe it was there, don't remember though. But it's not documented anywhere, nore does bbstylemaker use it.. so it must be a flaw :) Cool one though
Pitkon It was there from the beginning, Gary. I suspect there are more undoumented thingies in BBLean...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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