

Styles Packs


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Appeal :: Pitkon User Pitkon
This is just an experimentation on the new style syntax. Wallpaper is "Hoping" by vainas link with the artist's permission. Vainas is a gifted fellow Greek photographer with a romantic style I find particularly appealing. He did a special rendition of his original artwork for this Blackbox style and I thank him for his time and effort. 3dcc configuration included. This style uses a mix of the old and new style syntax to utilize characteristics like border width/color and margin width for each element, new goodies that make Blackbox elements even prettier... Desktop elements are part of my sidebar link Wharf icons are 3FX by danillooc link link also included in the sidebar zip with the artist's permission. Get the wall, the style, and the permission from
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Appeal by Pitkon (,,
Wallpaper Hoping by Vainas 

Pitkon Forgot to add that fonts are, of course, Blackboxbox-y/ed by Nightbreed - one of the best font's I've ever come across...
M4uR1g10 Great style as always! How did u manage to use icons in bb menu???
Pitkon Thanx, m4u! Icons are part of a font Nightbreed created, blackboxboxy (tho he is also the father of Blackbox and Blackbox2, two other fonts - so far). I suggest u visit link for more info :)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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