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Trainsmooth :: dEpAz User dEpAz
The wallpaper is faster than your car extended by Hermik link
Hope u like it ;) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Trainsmooth by dEpAz
Wallpaper Faster_than_your_car_extended.png 

snkmchnb actually, i do like it, there might be a few things i'd change, but that 's because i'm picky.. i was gonna use this wall and couldn't figure out what i wanted to do, so i scraped it. good work!
dEpAz yes, it's a wallpaper hard to match, but i'm happy with the final effect, anyways i can try to fix that few things =).
zerosleep nice and slick, just like the wallpaper. keep it up man.

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