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Regal :: lyrae User lyrae
It has been a while since I uploaded. I hope you like it. Wall at link 
Shell xoblite
Style regal by lyrae
Wallpaper Wallflowers by Florian Freundt 

thewayofzen ok im baffled.. what are you using for a sysmon in your slit? i have used bbsysmon myself and have never figured out any way possible to make it look like that?!? Great style btw.. but please what plugin is that you are using to have text monitors and graphs?!?
lyrae Ok, thewayof zen... first of all, thanks for the compliment...i use Samurize to make a sysmon and a graph and a weather monitor also. I also made them in various color texts as well.
thewayofzen have u figured out a way to slit sysmon or do u create the illusion of the slit by just overlapping it on a bbinterface frame? either way it looks great! keep em coming.
sMs nice... and i see new plugins =D
sMs nvm i see that is samurize... samurize over the frame
lyrae well, i just put it on top of bbinterface frame and that is it. In case you are wondering, the orange color ones are part of bbinterface.
Rev It'd be all kinds of spiffy if bbsysmon could really look like that and/or do that itself. ~chuckle~ Great work, btw. It's very ... soft.
doctorfrog i haven't said 'wow' to myself over a style in some time. nice wall and color selection!
Inauro Really beautiful work, lyrae. Great colour selection, and even though i'm not a big fan of sidebars, that's a nice one.
Theo nice.. really nice..
lyrae Thanks, everyone.
snkmchnb yeah, this is really really nice. quality work lyrae!
lyrae thanks, snkmchnb
strat Noticed MuM in the systray before I saw your e-mail ID. Classy desktop, and kudos from a fellow Noder! :)
lyrae Wow, a noder...what a small world!! thanks
Pun Lyrae, I really like your sidebar and was wondering if you could post your samurize config anywhere for us to see?

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