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VizShow :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
A show of other plugin elements working with BBLean and BBI to create mood and give an entertainment feel to the desktop. Thanks to Kaloth for the BBOsilliscope and BBSpectrum. :) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Cream 
Wallpaper Dark Spirit of Future 

Inauro Looks really good, Nightbreed. You should definitely put together a write up for those interested in your set-up.
Nightbreed Thanks Inauro, Don't worry, I will be doing just that soon. I'm doing alot of testing on various plugins and doing custom work to some existing ones, such as bro@mTimer and bro@mRelay. Those play major roles in the scripts I write so stay tuned ;)
Nightbreed The best way for me to do that, too is if people have a specific thing they are trying to build, either post the question here or in the forum or email me that way I can put together small tutorials for everyone to see on how to do certain things.
AJ Hey Nightbreed I do have one question for ya: First off - great styles man been trying to figure out how to do some of your stuff on my own and its blowing me away. I've been working on a Style switcher through a button in BBI. I have the base command: but putting that into the pushdown entry fro the button doesnt work. I'm sure I"m on the right track because the same command entered into Bro@mBox will change the style just fine. Is it an arguement setting I'm missing? I'm not currently entering any argument parameters. Any help on where I"m messing up would be greatly appreciated.
Nightbreed lol AJ.. I gotcha in the Forum .. hehe
AJ hehe - great man, figured I'd reach you here first lol - sorry to use up chat space here :-/ lol
Nightbreed don't sweat it. Atleast others will know where to go to get a similar answer now
cLess-R34 That is absolutely amazing tweaking. Once I figure out something 'cool and new' I'd like to do, I might ask a question or two, Nightbreed ;)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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