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« Next | Tron 2.0 by Arc Angel | Prev »
Tron 2.0 :: Arc Angel User Arc Angel
Well I had to do a 2.0 of Tron to go with the game release. No movie, too bad,
but made a great script to an enjoyable game. Included is a BBSoundFX theme with
sounds taken from the game itself. The wallpaper is the Game-Over screen for those
who haven't played it yet. A full release with wallpaper and BBSoundFX scheme will be released. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Tron 2.0 by Arc Angel

sMs really nice one like th titlebar and hilite
Gethsejeveon another nice style from the Arc
Arc Angel Wonder if I could get the word release in there a few more times? ;) A full RELEASE can now be download from my deviantart site at link
Inauro Sweet! Great to see you're still in business Arc. Yours were some of the very first styles i downloaded. This and the Shell Shocked series are now part of my Arc Angel collection.
Arc Angel I'm flatterd, and there's more on the way... ;)
necroboi nice one, AA .. i played the game when it came out, but never finished it after upgrade patching it and losing my saves, lol - but i may pick it up again ;)
Arc Angel I'll send you mine, smoked it some time ago...

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