

Styles Packs


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bb-x :: Jesterace User Jesterace
This style is not my creation. But it deserves a tribute and a second chance. It's the style that inspired me and made me fall in love with bluebox. As you can see it's similar to my blackbox-X style but yet it's different enough to be two different styles. This was created by Pink-X he made a few styles that I loved. He's one of my blackbox heros that are up there with Artwiz and others to me. Cheers fellas this is the last you will see from me for quite awhile. It's been fun everyone and I will miss you. 
Shell blackbox

Jesterace you can find this style in the bluebox install
Pitkon Great authors don't go away, Jesterace. Their presence lingers on, even when they r not actually with us. BTW, i loved this style, reminds me of Almost-X, but I didn't get the part about bluebox. U mean u used bluebox first, before using blackbox?
Jesterace Nope I searched high and low for this style i first used in blackbox on slackware 4 It disappeared in 3 years

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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