

Styles Packs


« Next | Detail_03 by Inauro | Prev »
Detail_03 :: Inauro User Inauro
As i am currently playing FFXI:Online i thought a tribute style was in order. Went for something a little different and made use of the concept art.

Background image available here - 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Detail_03 by Inauro
Wallpaper Sand_03 

jeff so how's ffxi? i'm thinking of buying it...... not sure yet.
Inauro It's great. If you like Final Fantasy that is. Heh, actually, of the 4 MMORPGs i have played to date (DAoC, AO, SWG, AC2) it's easily the best. There is a sh*tload to do, and once you get used to the interface, it's pretty straightforward. Still, to each his own i guess. I'd suggest shoulder surfing a friends copy if you can.
Pitkon Nice and clean, Inauro... :)
pHarciDe wtf lies! doac is the best, i quit swg after a week and eq sux

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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