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« Next | metal tb by meanmechanics | Prev »
metal tb :: meanmechanics User meanmechanics
Something I was working on since cthu1hu told me that unka had a working skinable blackbox...really don't know what to do with it now. The toolbar up is bbinterface with a png as image. Evering is unfinish in this...I like to try new things  
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style silver-new by meanmechanics
Wallpaper something I made up not very interesting 

cthu1hu is that bbleanskin?
Meanmechanics No, was still trying to render the metal skin when i read about unka. i feel a bit desperate now. i think that psychologically i can't cope with others fate. what i wanted to do was to create an illusion of bitmap skinning by using the natural properties of bbinterface to use images to trick the eyes on bbleanskin. the texture of brush metal serve well this purpose. i think i've downloaded enough metal theme to consider myself as a hammersmith lol
meanmechanics Ah! Not easy to browse on boxshots! even with a 4 inch screen!!

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