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Little World :: Phosphoer User Phosphoer
Wall paper isn't mine, but style is ;) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Little World by Phosphoer
Wallpaper Little World ( ) 

cthu1hu Nice menu. Wish you would have used the gray from it in the systembar.
doctorfrog The contrast between the gradients on the active window bar is interesting. It gives off kind of a Windows Vista/7 Aero vibe. I'd probably give the label a flatter look to better match the title. Though my tastes are on the side of bland and inoffensive rather than bold and daring.
Al what is that console u are using?
Phosphoer Darker grey for the system bar? I could try that.. @Doctorfrog: Yeah it's definitely more busy than my usual preferences, thought I'd try something new. @AI: It's called 'Console2', it's rather nice actually ^^. Thanks for the comments guys :)
doctorfrog Ah, console2. I used to use that to play nethack: In a huge window, with nice, big TrueType fonts, semitransparency, and a cursor that faded in and out instead of blinking.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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