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bubble boi :: necroboi User necroboi
This style was made for N-Log v2G winamp skin by Nucleo (link).

The wallpaper is from my own archive from several years back, so the author and origin are unknown. 
Shell blackbox
Style n-log by necroboi (
Wallpaper Silence 

Jesterace I like that everything seems together really well :)
necroboi thanks Jestarace. this one was one of those styles that was just sitting around until i found that image. then it was like, "whoa!" (in my best Neo voice), hehe
Pitkon Excellent, necroboi. N-log is one of my fav winamp skins and the style merges beautifully. As for the wallpaper, I think it's from mindscape, but I'm not positive...
frantic Wall is just a typical "i've installed bryce and this is the first thing i did" kind of thing, but the n-log matching style was really a good idea. I think it would go better with some greyish metallic background.
El'Criticon i hate that winamp skin!! is really ugly,,,!!! ARGh!!!
El'Ciritocn mmmmmmmmmm about the wallpaper mmmmmmmmmm it sucks. nothing cool about it!
necroboi thanks for the comments, guys =) ... El'Criticon: there's nothing 'great' about any of the individual components; this was just a themeing exercise (duh!) ... but i'll give you points for making me laugh today ;D
oldskull hey thats cool, love the yellow things :)
El'Criticon ey necroboi, its not you, its the winamp skin and the wallpaper. they suck , they are not inspiring. well take care dude
EngineCamel Not what. Criticon, on something like this...I doubt anyone will care. I thought it looked cool. And so did everyone else. Instead of trashing the community, why not contribute to it...
EngineCamel BTW where did you get that winamp skin. I needed something of a change from my dark set skins.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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