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transparent :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
Showing transparencies in bbMien  
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style transparent 
Wallpaper unknown 

dpcdpc11 rounded corners on everything... care to explain that mister?? is that a feature of the new bbMien? are there also rounded corners on the RClick menu? now that would be awesome... gonna try bbMien as well.. let the testing begin! great shot btw!!
cthu1hu Nope, it's all drawn on the background, sadly, but the transparencies allow some interesting effects. One developer, who will remain nameless, was working on rounded corners for a certain branch, but I don't know the status of that.
dpcdpc11 i remember tao's version called bb2 which was something different cause the skinning system could use bitmap files and working with pngs with transparency is just magic... too bad the project died! just tried this bbMien... nothing special for me except the transp bg... i'm sticking with my bbClean for now, it's got everything i need! thanks for the info btw!
captain i believe the wallpaper has something to do with Command & Conquer 3
cthu1hu Should be an interesting game then. I thought it was some Matrix art.
blueswilder A chinese guy mod bb2, fix many problems,but cannot ues bb2skin. download:link maybe it is chinese... Good show! cthu1hu
cthu1hu Wow, it changed my UI font to chinese. Looks promising. Please tell this person to keep developing it.
blueswilder He is gone. disappear.
kowic interesting! :)

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