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Rox :: Tech-Mike User Tech-Mike
Threw BB on fiancee's comp - this is the result
Rainlendar upper left
Trillian Pro + ECL plugin upper right 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style blarga blue 
Wallpaper Growth Beyond Reason - Tech-Mike Edit 

irish hahaha, reminds me of my setup... the black winamp and trillian :-p i like that plugin though :-o
Tech-Mike ill paste the link for the plugin if anybodys interested. My menu has been updated since this shot also, i was wondering (without having to test all of them) what are some of the best plugins (productivity not play) ?
irish def get bbInterface... it allows to to create buttons/frames/windows and other random sweet gadgets around your desktop.. i think its a must :-)
Tech-Mike bbinterface looks nice, last update was 06 though , also needs some modules to make it useful...?
Tech-Mike Actually ive found bbiconbox 0.2 to be quite nice, and have set 3 folder paths on the lower left side of screen with auto-hide (Desktop: My Computer, My Docs, Network, Recycle) (Tools: Winamp, GIMP, Nero) (Games) - I like that the My Computer opens explorer to the drives area without the tree view (unlike the bbmenu)
Tech-Mike Updated Here

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