

Styles Packs


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Fluid :: noka User noka
Shell blackbox

frantic I love the copper. I'd like to see the style released.
ArthurDent What font is that in you rmenu?
cthu1hu This has to be your best work so far. Very well done sir. What is the image browser in the lower left-hand side, a hacked explorer?
noka thanks :) the font is HaxrCorp 4088 Caps, and yes, it's the explorer, but it's not hacked.
TXTR Cthu1hu thats just because he had an awesome basestyle ~.~ *Cough* link *Cough* :P
sexyboy great work!
mini-man :D
keel Classy..! Which style & code for bsetroot?
cthu1hu That is indeed nice work TXTR. So is noka's shot a remix of elfin2? Is the VS elfin2?
TXTR Cthu1hu: The style was based on my Elfin2 Agent Orange, however the vs isn't elfin2.
noka glad you like it. putting it up for the screenshot contest at . there should be an own contest for bbusers :D
cthu1hu Has the vs been released?
noka its my own mod of pep's mirev2. its released :)
cthu1hu mire v2 vs is nowhere to be found on anyone's devart or custo pages. You're really gonna have to hook me up, man.
noka yea, sure. give me your mail or something, and ill hook you up when i get home later. at work atm.
sex8899 henhao hen qiangda
cthu1hu Thanks noka.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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