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Dynamic :: TXTR User TXTR
Basically everything you see here was done by myself. The WA was based of Sinaan's dynamic just as the startpage was based on Mini-man's startpage.
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Dynamic 
Wallpaper Munich BW (shot and edited by me) 

mini-man DU SAUGST EIER! jk jk, this looks great :D
Spoofnig nice, light-3d..
TXTR NEIN DU! :P thanks :)
TXTR Also, mini-man: Thanks for the recompiling of bbdesktop ;)
dpcdpc11 really cool setup... fits well all together!! congrats!!
Mark Nice set-up there. What's that audio player please?
Mark Nice set-up there. What's that audio player please?
Mark Sorry for the double post. It's Foobar I take it, right?
kettcar eier saugen.. anywho, nice setup, like the green.. MARK: it's winamp
Mark @ kettcar, alright ;)
sexyboy Looks so good :)
btotaku Please tell me which font is that you are using? Looks perfect, is that a pixel font?
btotaku Please tell me which font is that you are using? Looks perfect, is that a pixel font?
TXTR Thanks all :D Mark: It indeed is Winamp5. I released the skin on btotaku: Standard 07_57 Caps and yes its a pixelfont
noka sweet stuff indeed.
Akribator which file/window manager do you use? doesn't look like explorer.exe from ms windows. did you do it yourself too? ... besides ;) looks fine. all components match each others style so they fit together to a great design
TXTR thanks ;) Ehm it is the microsoft explorer i just added findexer (google it, its free and very usefull).

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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