

Styles Packs


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nolij :: crowmag User crowmag
I haven't done a style in several months now and I woke up early so I threw this together real quick...

TBO, I unashamedly stoled the color scheme from the CSS of a web site that I won't name for now ;)

@ youknowWho: Told ya I was gonna do it... :P 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style nolij by crowmag
Wallpaper wallpaper by bsetroot 

snkmchnb nice :D
ArthurDent I like it!
mini-man :O *quickly downloads* Droolage maximus incarnatus :D
cthu1hu nice nice
mizu.taifux Functional Nice shot !
crowmag Thanks All! The more I look at the toolbar buttons tho, the more they seem a little out of place... Should have worked on them a little more but I have a lot of time restraints lately :(
mini-man I think they look great, it's the window buttons that bug me though, might look sweet if they were identical to the toolbar ones. :) Hmm...I might just try and find out myself...
crowmag Thats it! THATS IT! Good call mini-man, I just did it and it works out perfect and it only took a second. Now... might have to do something with the unfocused window too. :)
Pitkon Simply elegant!
crowmag Thanks Pitkon :)
Reverend The more I see some of these styles that use the font shadows so wonderfully, I get more and more tempted to switch to one of the mods.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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