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« Next | screencap 2008 february by szekelya | Prev »
screencap 2008 february :: szekelya User szekelya
This is my win2k laptop using BBClean, Samurize and Rocketdock. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean

iTiVO The wallpaper puts me off and i think the style could use some refinement. But usability is certainly a plus on this screen.
szekelya Well, the wall is up to your taste, I guess it wouldn't worth to argue about it. Usability of BB* (together with samurize that can and autohotkey scripts that can't be seen on the screenshot) makes computing a unique pleasure ever since I found BBclean. Just for the record, what refinement you'd recommend with the style? I think again that's the question of personal preferences, but I'm open to learn to be able to make better ones.
crowmag Well, I like the wall. Sure beats a lot of the others I've seen posted lately IMO. I do think I would have done the toolbar and menu highlight more like the window title tho...
iTiVO Personally i don't like "visible" window grips, meaning i like them to be either borderless or the borders being the same color as the rest of the handle. The contrast between shadow and actual font is a bit too much for me, too. The splitgradient on the focused window could have a little lower contrast as well. But that's just my two cents aka what i prefer in styles. D'ont get me wrong i don't think this is a bad ss or style. :)
/\/\inimal Looks usable, but somehow the split gradient turns me off. Dunno. But the colors are nice and soft, really great. :D
hhhh hello

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