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Lara Rules :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Long time no screenie... Shape of things to come? 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Lara Rules by Pitkon 

crowmag Yeeowza Laura! - Another fine style Pitkon. Great color matching to the wall. And that analog clock is killer!
Pitkon Thanx, my friend. Clock bitmap is by danillooc, converted to png for the clock's needs.
dpcdpc11 really cool wall and style bro!! love it!! big fan of Lara since ever!! great work!!
jarppi I
jarppi I fail at posting comments. What I was saying was I love Lara, but why does it have to be so H U G E?
Pitkon dpcdpc11: Thanx, man, I appreciate it :) Jarppi: I simply love HUGE! Besides, it about gets lost on my 22'' screen :)
snkmchnb ok, dude.. you have a 22" screen and you have it that huge. /me's eyes start to bleed. nice style though. clock is killer.
Pitkon Lol, snk... Thanx for the style :)
fs_fs great
Pitkon Thanx, fs_fs! :)
pfump It's a very cool Theme. I love it. But where can I download this one???
pfump It's a very cool Theme. I love it. But where can I download this one???
pfump It's a very cool Theme. I love it. But where can I download this one???
Pitkon Thanx, pfump. It's not downloadable yet. We have to wait for an official BBLean split/mirror gradients release first, otherwise parts of the style won't appear the way they should. I am working on an experimental NEB build...
pfump Let me pleace now when you finished this ok! ;o)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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