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Eclipse :: Daethorian User Daethorian
I have been a lurker of boxshots for several years now. Most of the shots contributed are cluttered with every bit of everything. I think that is a little... off from the Blackbox minimalist philosophy, so I decided to show off my minimalism. :)

The style is made by the very talented cthu1hu, the ninja of styles. I've spent some time integrating most of my applications to blend well with this style, and to show that off, i have link"" rel="nofollow">this little screenshot , showing all my ten workspaces (some people told me that that particular screenshot might be the most bragging one ever, and I think I'll have to agree :D). The only real special thing in it I guess is the foobarscript, which is the default layout with an altered script made by me. Anyeone who wants it and wants to modify it can contact me.

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style eclipse by cthu1hu
Wallpaper EdguyEclipse 

snkmchnb pretty slick, however i wish you would've shown a window and menu at the very least.
Daethorian That's very much what I intended to do with the linked screenshot.
Daethorian Well that failed epically.
Daethorian And now my smily broke my comment. I fail so much. :( link
Mippe awesome style! :-)
cthu1hu Great setups. The wall is sweet. And thanks for the kind words.
aengel As always, my dear Daethorian, you never cease to amaze. How you handle ten workspaces wil continue to be a mystey. And just because of this, I will have to upload my own screenie. Again. Bah.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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