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bWindow :: mosquito User mosquito
Wallpaper original @:
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style bWindow by mosquito bit
Wallpaper roundness of edge by *headvoid (gray scaled) 

crowmag ... castles of stone souls and glory - lost faces say we adore you - as kings and queens bow and play for you - yeah, they play just for yoooou.
Jarppi Fonts from Windows 3.1 strike! Other than that, pretty neat. Simple and clean. Very nice.
mosquito @ crowmag Another Outlaws fan? Ah, the good ol' days... "Those who don't believe me, find your souls and set them free" @ Jarppi strike! Ok, I'll give you that. I used MS Sans Serif system wide (global). But there's a method to my madness - use of a raster font (.fon) rather than a True Type font (.ttf) takes less time to render because there are no edges to "smooth". That means all the windows/menus/pop-up boxes/etc will draw that much faster. :) Thanks for the comments.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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