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GRAD :: iTiVO User iTiVO
WA is by kinetx and part of the the new nuance suite "sandwich" just as the vs by akka.

If i recall correctly the wp is a desktopgraphy one.

Changed the clock trigger so its more usable. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style GRAD 

clone i'm glad you didn't try to make a red/orange and green style :) nice job.
lord e. lovely. nice job.
iTiVO thanks clone and lord e. but i wanna go for more than just nice :P Criticism please :)
dpcdpc11 overall a clean and cool style... just one thing bothers me and that is the white text color on the active task... i think you should've go with black on that to make it more visible... than again that's just me!
mini-man Not really my style tbh, but the colors look great. Kind of huge fonts though, but other than that pretty sweet :)

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