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Cryotron :: ds9 User ds9
The bbinterface panels on the left and on the right are shown just for the screenshot, normally those are set to autohide. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Cryotron by ds9
Wallpaper bsetroot 

clone nice. looks pretty original
Reverend Neat concept. I like it.
miqlas Hello! Can You publish the .rc files of the BBInterface? And wich mediaplayer use You (Foobar?)? Thank You!
dpcdpc11 great lookin shoot bro... clean and flat.. just how i like it!!! good work... just wondering what font are u using??
cthu1hu wow that's cool
ds9 Uploaded the bbinterface config , its for bbinterfaceMod_iTunes_0.9.9k9c, and yes, I use foobar. The font is Swis721 Cn BT D-Type.
ds9 Uploaded the bbinterface config , its for bbinterfaceMod_iTunes_0.9.9k9c, and yes, I use foobar. The font is Swis721 Cn BT D-Type.
dpcdpc11 thanks for the info mate!!
Pitkon Looks great - and I like the bar :)
crowmag Nice dark yet 'readable' style, COOL systems dialog mod. It's kinda hard to tell where the window.buttons are and I think I would use the for Window Frame as well as a very faint 3D Object Highlight and 3D Object Shadow in the 3DC, but that's just me. A really well thought out and creative desktop if you ask me. SCORE: 9.9 FTW :D
qwilk Really nice screenshot to showcase the style - and given that slightly disappointing when applied on my box. The style mixes old and new style syntax and elements such as the toolbar button definitions seem to be missing. Oh, and everything looks nicely interlaced in the screenshot, but I reckon that's due to alpha transparency? The font colour also looks quite a bit brighter in reality than in the screenshot, but again I reckon this could be due to alpha transparency. Anyway, just some constructive feedback - nice work!
ds9 Yes, I realized after submitted the screenshot that it can be a little bit misleading, because the use of transparency. The colors are set to look good with transparent windows. I really dont like window borders, so I use transparency to avoid the blending of windows when they are overlapping, like on this screenshot.
anime-addict Can you share some wisdom on how you realized to get the file manager the way it looks?
anime-addict Can you share some wisdom on how you realized to get the file manager the way it looks?
ds9 The screen layout elements of total commander can be turned off on the configuration/layout panel. I disabled every gui elements (button bar, drive buttons, etc.). To switch off the menu bar, create an empty file called no.mnu, and change the main menu file on the configuration/language panel to this empty file. And finally, set the "RestrictInterface" value to 1 in the wincmd.ini file to get rid of the remaining menu :)
cthu1hu That's some of the best customizing I've seen. What is the text editor in your second shot?
cthu1hu Never mind, looks like notepad :P
ds9 Metapad :)
anime-addict i'll give that a try, really nice tweaks! :-) thx ds9!

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