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teddy :: cyeh User cyeh
i gutted the blackbox source code and this is what it looks like now! using 'idesk' for the icons on the desktop and using a color scheme for gtk. i am using an ati rage pro and deleting the window decorations has given me a huge performance boost. dare i fork another version of blackbox?? comments!!! 
Shell Nix Box

Pitkon Very good work! Please specify hack. What exactly does this build do? I would like to see a new branch - though I love decorations... :)
dpcdpc11 is it just me or the screenshot is only 197x146??? too small to figure out what's it like.
geek dpcdpc11, not you one. Me too.
cyeh hey guys i realized the screen was way too small after i had already uploaded. here are two more screens. gtk2 is very clean looking without window decorations imho, not to mention gtk color schemes and engines! but blackbox is also very capable for handling windows. so the two go together very well :] link link ill make a note of all the changes i made. i know there are already a bunch of blackbox flavors but i think i can take it in a new direction

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