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« Next | Freshly Minted II by mini-man | Prev »
Freshly Minted II :: mini-man User mini-man
Ok...this is post-recovery/hdd-wipe...corrupt windows and all that stuff. Everything. Gone. So this looks like crap. And my compute right now is crap. Need to clean all the crap that comes with the recovery crap. So...have a crap. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Mint by Minimal

oldskull Nice screenshot. Could you tell me how can I make menu title like that? :P
mini-man Thanks. Yeah, just make the menu.title.fontColor the same as the normal color (doesn't work well with gradients) and make the menu.title.fontSize about 1, 2, or 3 .. depending on how big or small you want your menu to be.
mini-man Just noticed I've been using 'delta' before 'gamma' in all my menus. :P
oldskull Ah ok thanks mate, and also thanks to show CE on the screenshot. I just download it yesterday and its rocks!
mini-man Np. And CE does indeed rock. :D
po4esyn cute =)
mini-man Thanks
FuzzyDogSlayer What visual style is that, if you're on Windows?
mini-man It's Mint 2.0 by hsn

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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