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Homeland 1.1 :: iTiVO User iTiVO
Remixed the old one, since i always came back to that wallpaper. Hopefully correct .7 syntax :D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Homeland 1.1 by iTiVO
Wallpaper Homeland by xbost 

mini-man I normally don't like dark styles but this is really nice. Now you just need to change the icons...:P
iTiVO :D Glad you like it For the icons: I allready changed some, but some just won't apply and i have no clue why (e.g. the ones for the harddrives and folders) p.s. i am using candyxp to change them
mini-man Oh no wonder. Most icon changers don't work with alternate shells like litestep or you'll have to hard reshack them in.
iTiVO What exactly is hard reshacking? I hate not to be a native English speaker *sigh*
mini-man Well, google Resource Hacker and download it, then copy shell32.dll from /system32/ and paste it somewhere and open it in reshacker..then in the icons part you can replace allll the icons. make sure to backup first, and download Replacer to replace it. Long story short, try googling for 'Reshack tutorial' or something, there's a lot out there, I think quite a few at custo org too. :)
crowmag 'Transformation packs' such as Vista Inspirat link for WinXP and Vistapack 2000 beta link with the Win2k Revolutions Pack for Windows 200 will do the icon changing trick all but giving you 'Vista' icons through out because they replace certain DLL's with pre-reshacked versions. Don't know of any non-Vista packs but they may exist.
crowmag er... Window 2000 - not Windows 200
iTiVO Thanks for the headsup crowmag :) You seem to be a walking encyclopedia :D
iTiVO I am dumb. Just uninstalling BBCLean for a sec and installing the icons then will do the trick. Switching to BBCLean again and everything is fine, without any magic.

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