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Avenger :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Loosely based on a wallpaper I saw at and manipulated a bit. The style is mine. BTW, I use BBLean which I consider the best bb offering so far, but shell options for submissions include only blackbox, bluebox and xoblite... 
Shell blackbox
Style Avenger 
Wallpaper Avenger 

Jesterace That's a pretty nice screenie Pitkon, what are the icons on the top right hand side of the screenie? They look like file extensions :P
Pitkon Well, I've been in love with wharfs since 1998 and I tried to simulate one using bbicons, since no one has come up with a bbwharf.dll or something and, according to NC-17, probably never will... lol. Of course, if u wanna try a wharf, there is always codename2...
Tres`ni It really wouldn't be that hard to do a wharf plugin for BB4Win.. UniWharf has the source code avaiable, but a lot of the wharf plugins for LS rely on the LSApi so... I bet you could write an LSApi.DLL that used the BB4Win api :-P That'd be interesting...
Pitkon Tres'ni, don't make me hope... It'd be too cruel... Lol. Since u think it's doable, why don't u do it urself? (Hint, hint... Hope, hope...)

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