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Foresight Linux :: Wobble User Wobble
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Foresight Linux by Andy (Wobble)
Wallpaper Intelmac Green 

ttandej Nice work. I assume that the task bar is bbinterface? I had to check the OS. thought it was really linux!
Wobble Thanks :) yep, that's bbinterface with bbpager and systembarex loaded as plugins
dpcdpc11 cool style and nice gnome looking bar man...just love it!!! could you tell me how can i load plugins into bbinterface?? i also use systembarex and i just love it and i would like to loaded it into bbinterface... or could you give me a link to where should i look?? thanks!
Wobble Thanks again :) All you have to do is ctrl+right click on a bbinterface frame, then go to control options > plugins, and in the window that pops up you choose your plugins folder and look for the .dll you want to load. Maybe you have to adjust the size of systembarex.
dpcdpc11 thanks a lot for the help Andy!! no need for the slit now!!
Wobble Glad to help :) BTW, maybe you have several bbinterface scripts which need different appearences of systembarex, but you don't want to change the size again each time you load it. You can simply create another systembarex by copying the systembarex folder and rename it to "systembarex2", also the .dll in "systembarex2.dll" and the .rc file. You can do so with other plugins like bbpager and so on, so you can load your bbi scripts with their own plugins and you don't have to rejust them all :) - Did you notice crowmag's bbLeanTheme? link
dpcdpc11 thanks for the tip Andy... it happens that i was already using the systembarex twice not as a plugin in bbInterface, i was using them whenever i wanted to have a systemtray or a task bar separately from the rest. and about the bbLean Theme..i gave it a try a while ago but i wasn't to found of it... i mean it's cool and everything, but i like to have all my plugins in the same folder. anyway bbInterface rocks.. i mean the possibilities of what can u do with it are huge!!! the only thing that still annoys me is the purple color that shows up when you set the style to NONE. hope this can be fixed in the near future... cause this plugin has huge potential.
doctorfrog i like it very much, downloaded. i like how you gnomed out your desktop.
Wobble Thanks, doctorfrog - btw, I still want to download your "genome ceramic" style, but it looks like it hasn't been released yet :)
Hyakutaro Looks sweet, but how about using Tango / GNOME icons, they look much better than XP default in my opinion :)

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