

Styles Packs


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2k_default :: crowmag User crowmag
When I rebuilt my Win98SE testbox I used the Win98SE Unofficial Service Pack 2 so as to get the 'puter up to speed (as much as possible). It applies the Win2k color scheme (WinXP classic) as an option and it dawned on me that it's not such a bad color scheme.

So, I made a style to match it.

The screenie is from the Win98 machine and the included 3DC info is basically the default Win2k color scheme but altered slightly to remove the 'hard edge' look to give a 'softer/flatter' appearance.

The ss shows a solid bsetroot color but I have since found a wall that goes nicely with it here: link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style 2k_default by crowmag
Wallpaper bsetroot 

Delano I tried running bb in Win 98 once but it was waaay too buggy for my tastes. If you managed to get it working without hitches, I applaud you. I've always been partial to these "retro" styles. It -looks- explore-ish, but clearly isn't. It's fun to see how flexible the default Windows styles can be and still be recognizable.
Delano I tried running bb in Win 98 once but it was waaay too buggy for my tastes. If you managed to get it working without hitches, I applaud you. I've always been partial to these "retro" styles. It -looks- explore-ish, but clearly isn't. It's fun to see how flexible the default Windows styles can be and still be recognizable.
crowmag Too buggy on Win98 ??? I dunno, I started using BBLC 08 back in 2002 when all I had was a Win98 box specifically because it was more stable than Explorer. This is BBClean shown here and I didn't do anything special to get it running. However, there are certain plugins that are not compatible - but nothing critical. As you can see in the ss, I even have system monitoring via BBInterface. I also have BBRecycleBin running but for some odd reason FSCapture didn't pick it up in the ss.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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