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« Next | xx0r.dark.2-0 by toolej | Prev »
xx0r.dark.2-0 :: toolej User toolej
Hey I made some mods to my old style and foobar is obviously completely different.

I also have been looking at alternate ways to approach apps that look broken with dark styles. So far, the only ones that are unuseable are:
- Photoshop
- The settings in Powermixer

so to use them I just switch back to xx0r.light. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style xx0r.dark.2-0 
Wallpaper Some anime drawing (UNKNOWN SOURCE :( ) 

thewayofzen nice job.. please send me that wall thanks!!
crowmag Ooooo, darkness. I'll have to check out that 3DC. I like the colors of the wall a lot tho, I am not that into animie (or however you spell it).
crowmag Doh! No download :(
d00d I love your work. Your foobar configs are top notch, though the text in this one is a little hard to read, as are your styles. I've always wanted a dark theme like this, but could never make it work. This one looks like it's doing just that. You're a jerk for not releasing it. And here's something for your explorer's throbber.
thewayofzen where"s my wall!!
snkmchnb i'm not a foobar person at all but i love that setup.
thewayofzen id love the setup more if it was on my desktop with that wall.
Lord E. Nice style... and nice foobar2k too~

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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