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Engraved :: NSDragon User NSDragon
I went here with a simple and smooth look, trying to give the text and labels an inset or engraved look — hence the style name.

The font is Lucida Sans Unicode, though I feel I could've found one that looked a lot better here. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Engraved by NSDragon

thewayofzen if making it look engraved was your goal you succeeded. nice style. the font shadowing really helps you achieve the desired effects. Keep em coming.
ArthurDent this would look nice on my work computer .. nice and simple
mini-man Very nice, share the buttons.bmp? :P been looking for one like that for a long time..
NSDragon link I didn't make them. I can't remember where I got them, but I also have a bunch of buttons in a zip file made by someone I think goes by the alias of MQ. This image makes me think it came from DA, hopefully someone will remember where it actually came from: link And the zip file itself is here: link
mini-man Thanks :) Yeah I know MQ, he's on the LitB forums

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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