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Holiday Glee :: snkmchnb User snkmchnb
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Shell xoblite
Style Holiday Glee by snkmchnb (
Wallpaper Snowmen by dim.po 

thewayofzen this turned out great.. as usual.. There used to be a house down the street that always had a snowman every year except it was always drunk.. kind of crooked.. and holding a bottle of something I wouldnt ever drink myself. During the summer the guys who lived there played horseshoes in the yard. Eventually they tore the house down and i always wondered if it was cause of the drunken snowmen.. or cause.. honestly.. who plays horseshoes anymore.. especially if you are in your early 20's. Thsoe guys had it coming.
mad-bastard groovy!
ArthurDent Nice work snk.. I love this one.
snkmchnb thanks, all... i really like this one.

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