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my orange beauty :: dpcdpc11 User dpcdpc11
damn...i just can't get enough of this girl! now i made her orange! i'm talkin about the wallpaper off course! hope you like it...i know i am! 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style grey&orange lines by dpcdpc11
Wallpaper can't give it to you guys sorry i'm not the author 

Simon Link to the author of the background plz!
dpcdpc11 the author of the beautiful lady is a member of the link community....but it seems the site is down for some reason.. anyway he did a 684*1026 drawing and i took it and made it into a full screen wallpaper and turned it orange..i did this with his permission and he was ok with me posting a screen shot with this wallpaper but he told me not to give it to someone else... and i didn't! sorry to disappoint you..hope the link will come back online soon and you can take the drawing from there!
tanasinn What is the artists username? That community has a lot of members.
dpcdpc11 link here is the link to the artists work!! enjoy his work!!!
tanasinn Thanks!
dpcdpc11 tell Warren Louw to send me a PM on gfxartist or an email, if it's ok with him for me to give you this wallpaper!
vajid Hey. the site is up but I cant seem to find the drawing.. help me out dude!
vajid Found it thanx!

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