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« Next | Charamel by lyrae | Prev »
Charamel :: lyrae User lyrae
Inspired by the great gtk2 rezlooks-charamel theme by mikaji. 3dcc included. Enjoy!
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Charamel by lyrae
Wallpaper Request by chiwou (color mod) 

doctorfrog Very nice, I'm always a fan of a neutral theme. Damned classy with the spotlight effect on the tiled background. I'd also be interested in how you modified your system icons (as in the folders I see in your file manager).
doctorfrog also, would you care to share your tiled background, as well as the source? it's very nice.
lyrae Thanks, doctorfrog. I'm also a fan of neutral theme too. The system icons u see is from linux and is called giøn. You can get the wallpaper from link+grey :)
doctorfrog did some digging, came up with the source here: link
lyrae Wow, that's fantastic. Thanks for the link, doctorfrog. :)
blueswilder I like you wp. Can you sent to my email?
lyrae Done.
blueswilder thank you !
ser VI Nice Damask walls!
ate I love it.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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