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Reactor Interface Right 4 :: Reactor User Reactor
this is one of 8 screen shots taken of a multi-leveled interface. the right/left designates what screen the SS belongs too, seeing as how i run a dual screen setup.
To see the various stages of the interface please select the following links below in order.


Shell xoblite
Style Reactor 
Wallpaper reactor-ecto 

cBass Oh... wow. Lots of stuff... I am a minimalist so all those shapes and dilla-ma-flotchys hurt my eyes and brain. However I do respect the work, time, and dedication you had to have put into this. Props...
Reactor Thanks :D
Nightbreed Technically it is minimal when you fold all the stuff in :P Again, nice work Reactor
ArthurDent It's way too much for my tastes, but I must say that it looks really good Reactor. Nice work.
shawan So much details, great interface. Love the colours too, the whole thing looks futuristic and rather cool :)
Reactor Thanks again, It's my first full fledged interface using BB adn BBI so, i'm super happy with it.
Reverend The style really helps to make the interfaces look nice. Great job!
pkt-zer0 Yum. Nice. Not just the interface, but the style, too.
cyeh i mean, it's just a style, but i like it. cbass, nobody cares what you like or prefer
qwilk ...even though my personal taste is slightly more minimalistic (hehe), I am glad that someone has stepped up to show off some mad BBInterfacing under xoblite as well. We can not let the "lean" people rule the show now, can we? ;)
igndenok wow, your desktop almost not seen ?! how many hour did you spend to made those ?
Neoezekiel I love it!!! 10 for concept 10 for technique and 10 for blowing my mind. Please tell me you plan on sharing it!
cthu1hu Beautiful. One of the top 10 screens here on boxshots.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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