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eclipse :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
I used to think this style sucked, but it grew on me for some reason. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style eclipse by cthu1hu

snkmchnb i love it man!
doctorfrog really nice, like the carpeting in an electronics franchise in the late 80's.
thewayofzen doesnt suck.
cthu1hu Lol, I like these comments. Thanks guys.
Nightbreed I don't think the style sucks either... Nice work Cthu1hu
Pitkon One of ur best, Cthu1hhu! Congrats!
NC-17 cthu1hu a sucky style cannot make!
freeb0rn It does suck. See what I did there? PS it doesn't.
auto Super clean, makes me wish I was running xoblite.
pkt-zer0 On one hand, this style makes my BBI elements look like crap. :P On the other hand, it's all kinds of awesome with SysBarEX and BBI turned off. Thumbs up.
Downtown Really nice style. Doesn't suck at all. Doesn't make my BBI stuff look bad either.
ArthurDent I had some bbi elements get shifted around, I think because this style uses bevelWidth 0 where I had it set at 2.
Nightbreed Funny thing about your screenshots, I click 'em and they start downloading, and I sit there waiting for the browser window to fill up.. and it stops.. And I think.. "oh, it's downloaded already" .. lol :P
cthu1hu Thanks for the comments. Nightbreed: I'll start making them longer, lol.
Nightbreed it makes me want to install a small lcd screen on my tower or something... but atleast I get an idea on how it would look on a hand held PC.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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