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balrog :: pkt-zer0 User pkt-zer0
Since we all love Cave Story. Tried experimenting with a simple, flat style, done in about 5 minutes or so. Still, I happen to like it. I feel I should be using SystemBarEx instead of bbLeanBar, though. Wallpaper is from link
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style balrog by pkt-zer0

Roots I started useing SystemBarEx, I really like it alot more, I dig the small icons and such. It just looks over all cooler in my mind.
Nightbreed You mean, your wallpaper isn't built from bbi objects? :P j/k I use SystembarEx simply because of it's options.. as Roots says, the icon size in general is a big plus... That's the toolbar I'd like to see get the new style syntax though... I think the source is in the cvs, but don't quote me.
pkt-zer0 Yeah, switched over to SystemBarEx for the time being. Seems cool enough, I especially love the huge icons I can set the tasks to have, goes well with the style. Also my bbFoomp was set quite tall already, some 30 pixels due to the massive borders. The reason why I have BBI disabled is that a) simplicity is what I like in this setup and b) I can't be arsed to keep switching between the stable and testing versions. :P
Pitkon I use systembarex (bbsystembarex then) ever since Slade put it out. It's really great - and he was thinking about a revamp some time ago, which may mean font shadows :) BBLeanBar is not as flexible. Tasks should be on a different frame, imho, and there should be an option to close the tray, since many of us use bbtray...
Sonic OMG I have this wallpaper and came on Boxshots looking for exactly this theme... thank you!

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