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Think Music :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
For all you minimal folks :P 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Think Music 
Wallpaper Think Music 

Pitkon Minimal AND pretty - an unusual sight, at least to me, who usually can't stand minimal things... Good work again, Gary...
jimmy This is very nice... I like menus ;)
ArthurDent NB: Is that an actual Winamp skin or something of your creation?
Nightbreed Thanks Pete, Jimmy :) Arthur, that is my current script in progress.. some info on it is located here: link
satori minimalist = nice :). Very nice, Nightbreed.
Nightbreed Believe me Pete, I can't stand minimal either.. well, not 'can't stand' but more, doesn't fit my work flow. I did this to test transparencies and masking techniques on the toolbar, which is systembarEX wrapped in bbi with a method I described in the same link above.. :D
Nightbreed Thanks Satori :)
sMs this is so different from ur all styles.. this is so much better from u ;)
smS very niceice winamp controls,,,, impressive
F1LeX I like minimalism. You are really CooL. How you did icons in menus?
Nightbreed thanks smS. thanks F1LeX, icon info can be found here: link
Roots Nice :D like the winamp controls, very cool wallpaper too
lexxca i like this too, nice harmonic with back and menu transparenz...and bright/blue combo fine fine fine ;)
Nightbreed Thanks Roots, Lexxca :)
kopf I need this theme!! Absolutely beautiful work.

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