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midnight sun :: Rain User Rain
been a while but heres a new style.... 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style midnight sun by Rain
Wallpaper midnight sun 

Pitkon The style is good, but the wall is a real eye catcher. Mind telling us where we can find it?
rain got it off of deviantart. ITs The Midnight Sun by *Isilmetriel.
Pitkon Figures, she is a great artist... Thanx!
qwilk Wallpaper - link , a 5400x3600 resolution print is apparently also available... :)
Pitkon I asked for Isilmetriel's permission (we had collaborated again in the past) and I submitted another style on deviantart link mentioning u as the person who brought this wall to my attention. The least I could do...
Rain thanks pitkon she is a great artist, and i love this wall. the style you did for is great too! I was having trouble figuring out how to incorporate the orange color. but your style is great.
Pitkon Thanx so much, Rain :) Glad u like it...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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