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« Next | Bridget Moynahan by dgen | Prev »
Bridget Moynahan :: dgen User dgen
adjusted a few things since tha last time i used this kind of layout :)
just saw i-robot again this night...fixed this desktop in no-time ;) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Moynahan by dgen 

kuninobu mice.. though it looks like you have a low resolution, like 1024x768... 1280x1024 FTW!
dgen lal :x i still have a 14" crt of 1996 :p (i had to save on something...)
Reverend Don't feel bad, dgen. My wife's still using a 15" CRT. ~lol~ And I was stuck on a 17" CRT until a few weeks ago. Finally moved up to a 19" flatscreen. Wewt.
Sam How did you make it look like Gnome? I like it very much and would be SO appreciative if you could let me know how I might do that.
dgen -edit - link @sam all is done with bbInterface :)

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