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My BBLean :: hate13breeder User hate13breeder
Just recently installed. Still playing with setups, but this is my current. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean

T. Eastrup Hi hate13breeder. Any chance for a link to the wallpaper yuoare using in the screenshot above. Regards Eastrup
skwire Wall: link
skwire Wall: link
T. Eastrup Thanx very Much. Appreciate it. Regards Eastrup
Roots Nice wall, and I really like how you have everything over to the bottom right, I may give that look a shot some times, but I way to much of a fan of the mac style with the status bar along the top of the screen
hate13breeder Thanks Roots. I espeacially liked that design because of the wall. I can't take credit for the style though, but you can find it here: link
Roots Thanks for a link to the style! hehe I may try my luck with it I will post a screen shot when I get something cool looking :p
Buskmann Very nice combination! I'm all new to BBlean, so I'm into the plugins-stuff yet. Could you give me the name on that toolbar-plugin (the one with the icons :P) and the one that shows the workspaces? That would be very helpful!
hate13breeder The icons are made using BBIcons 2.1a link The workspace selector is available here: link

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