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The Crow :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
I decided to shorten the toolbar abit :) This one takes on styles really well. Anywho.. another dark style. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style The Crow 
Wallpaper The Crow 

ser VI This way is looking more BB, more compact too. Nice indeed.
Nightbreed Thanks Ser VI :)
beloved hey nb can you tell me the syntax for adding icons to the menu with the bblean mod.. thanks
Nightbreed you just have to point to the "FULL" path of the application you want an icon in. For example [exec] (App) {"c:\program files\app\app.exe "} That currently is the only way to do it.
beloved what about submenu's
beloved my menu is made up of submenu's and paths... adding the full path of the icon with that syntax doesnt do anything, im using bbLean_mod_mod_06041 6
Nightbreed paths arent supported as of yet... at the moment bbleanmod only knows direct [exec]
beloved my menu is made up of submenu's and paths... adding the full path of the icon with that syntax doesnt do anything, im using bbLean_mod_mod_06041 6
beloved can you copy and paste the syntax used for your menu say.. configure or programs lines
Nightbreed I say again.. paths are not supported.. here's an example of one of my menu settings: [exec] ( MetaPad) {C:\tools\metapad. exe} if it doesn't work for you, I'd suggest posting in the forum, it's a much better place for posting examples
Nightbreed if you're still having trouble.. just grab my email address from here and add it to messenger...
jimmy Great job with your toolbar Nightbreed... I like this more than the previous one, it was a little bit too "explorer like" Imho ;)
Nightbreed Thanks Jimmy... :)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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