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DreamCar :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Now bbibrowser will throw the album cover into the calander frame :D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style DreamCar 
Wallpaper softlandbiz96hq 

schmots nice. I also realy like how clean your elements in your bar are put together. Thats three sepeart items correct?
Nightbreed Thanks Schmots. Yes, they are all separate modules.
lexxca nice nightbreed(metalic bright/dark contrast realy fine).... its on deviant?
Nightbreed Thanks Lexxca, No.. I think I closed my account on deviant... I never have enough time to do anything there. I could post the style on lostinthebox though.
wickedlester nice shot Nightbreed. looks like you have turned ur *box into litestep :D. looks good! lotta work into that looks like.
beloved nice additions to the bb script do you mind sharing the volume control in the menu code.. my email is thanks
T. Eastrup Please cosiderseriously to upload your themes or yuor own words "I could post the style on lostinthebox though"? A link to the wallpaper would also be appreciated og many other user's of themes besides me. Regards Eastrup
clovemagic Another nice screenie, Gary. I can see I've got some serious work to do. ;-P
Nightbreed Thanks all. Beloved, do you want the volume's style? or the volume controller itself? If you want the volume controller itself, you can get it here link
beloved hm. i installed the contents of the mod in my bblean folder and i didnt notice any changes in bblean.. maybe i installed it incorrectly?
beloved i figured it out :) thanks!
Nightbreed welcomed beloved :)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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