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« Next | zarg_rima_01 by blockhead | Prev »
zarg_rima_01 :: blockhead User blockhead
Some time ago thewayofzen had the idea of making a style that used the color scheme from a wall, but adding one color to the style that is not actually in the picture. I dicided to try it someday. This wall had an unusual color scheme that appealed to me and today a color occurred to me that would work with this particular green. The wall is at the site.
Shell Nix Box
Style zarg_rima_01 
Wallpaper mariagrazia03-1024.jpg 

Dragon12 wow, I've never seen a mint green theme before. Works well with the wall. Is that Fluxbox or Blackbox? What are the widgets you have in the upper right corner? Afterstep widgets?
blockhead blackbox. I don't use fluxbox anymore since they broke font support. The "widgets" are just three windowmaker dockapps running in the blackbox slit. They are (left to right) "wmMoonClock", "allin1" and "wmbutton".
beloved can you post this style and the bg, thanks
blockhead will attempt this when I am back on my computer. Give it a week or so. wall is at, most likely in the maria grazia section (going by the file name of the jpg). Might want to email me in week or so in case I forget ;)

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