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Blackbox Pro :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Hi all. I'm posting a style with 3 wallpapers I created myself :D The .rar file can be found on lost in the box under the same title as the screenshot .. Peace 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Blackbox Pro 
Wallpaper Blackbox Pro #4 

Dragon12 Very nice. Like the color and the wall.
Nightbreed Thanks Much Dragon. The link to the style and walls are located here link
Pitkon Wow, Gary. This is REALLY great... Kudos...
Nightbreed Thanks Pete... You've been quiet lataly.. must be some kind of new toy coming out.. lol
Reverend Love this one. The blue and grey/black gradients compliment each other wonderfully.
Pitkon I know, I have too much work lately... :( And the new toy may become a BIG toy, if we r lucky... :D
Shawan Love the wallpaper, love the style and colors. Nothing more to say, this is great.
Nightbreed Thanks Rev :D Thanks much Shawan... So what you're saying Pete, is your changin' your mind about givin me the porche and givin' the Hummer instead? lol
Pitkon Hummer IS a Porsche, Gary... :D
skwire That's really nice, Gary.
Nightbreed Thanks Skwire... lol Pete
Dragon12 Are the buttons for the windows a product of BBLean? Or did you make them yourself?
Nightbreed Those are custom bbleanskin buttons.. I didnt upload them because I thought they'd be too small for most folks
clovemagic Beautiful style, Gary. I'm lusting after you bbnotepad big time.
Nightbreed Thanks Clove, I can post the notepad thingy if you want it
clovemagic That would be awesome. Thanks!
Nightbreed YW..

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