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Crimsome :: shawan User shawan
first time i have an artist's permission :)
I don't know if the green and yellow was a good idea on active bar but I absolutly wanted to put green in this theme...don't ask me why 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style crimsome 
Wallpaper crimsome by rndl 

Lord E. The green is quite out-of-place IMO, but the rest is quite nice.
Shawan thanks Lord, that's what I thought too
Lord E. lol.. never liked it when people call me "lord" even though it's in my username. Bleh, my fault. Heheh. Quite sad, if I do say so myself.
Shawan lol understood I won't make the same mistake twice Lord E. :)
Lord E. Heh, more of a feeling of general wierdness rather than anything. BTW, the green looks slightly better now -- of course, that may just be due to it being 1am here, but who knows? If the wall had some green it'd be much better IMO.
Shawan For me it's still weird, maybe that's because it's 7pm here...:D
Lord E. I still think it'd look better if the BG/wallpaper had some green.
Shawan Actually I know why I wanted to put green, just over the active bar there is some green...
lily03 nice very nice again!! cordialement //

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