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Black Plastik :: nightbreed User nightbreed
Here is a black version of the Plastik style. Don't worry the 3dc file is not a dark one :-D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Black Plastik by Gary Jones
Wallpaper Kitt 

Pitkon Dark and sinister... :) I like them that way...
Arc Angel Ok I'll byte, you've likely answered this somewhere but how are you doing the icons?
Delano A Unix/Linux-inspired shell emulating KDE and Mac OS elements running on a Windows computer! Are you trying to confuse people? :o) But yes, very nice, and those icons are pretty.
clovemagic LOL. Confusion or OS melting pot? It looks good, NB.
Nightbreed don't forget Delano, Kde and Gnome are famous for emulating mac.. :D Thanks all
Nightbreed oh the icons are just iconX that I snagged from an old DesktopX I had
purple nightbreed man.. read my lips.. I WANT THIS THEME,DUDE! link :)
Nightbreed ah.. the Vista style :) ok, I have a few different "Vista Color sets" almost completed. I'll post soon :D
purple thnxx dude,finaly..:)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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