

Styles Packs


« Next | SoftCandy Caramel by Nightbreed | Prev »
SoftCandy Caramel :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Using one of my SoftCandy styles and showing another menu design. The menu, this time is made up of a frame, lable (where the folder and app names are), and a few buttons.. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style SoftCandy Caramel 
Wallpaper Grass 

Arc Angel And where can we download this caramely goodness?
NightBreed the file is here, it's part of the style pack I did a little bit ago link
M4ur1g10 Great style!!! Can youi tell me the name of the tastkbar plugin?? thanks!!!
Nightbreed the taskbar isn't a plugin-- it's my bbi script
Nightbreed just create a bbi frame and throw a few shortcut buttons and systembarEX into it.. ;)... thanks for the complement..
M4ur1g10 Ok!T hanks!!! i'll give it a try!!...are u using also a filemanager similar to osx finder? what's is name?
Pitkon BEAUTIFUL! No need for other words... :D
Nightbreed Thanks Pitkon.. The bottons are on standard explorer. It's a program called styler from link
Pitkon Alas, styler ain't free... :(
Nightbreed it is kinda ... lol :-P
Pitkon Kinda? Oh, u mean the window decoration part. The other part ain't free, right? But isn't there a time limit anywhere?
Pitkon Read anyaway instead of anywhere :D
Nightbreed You'll see what I mean :-p
Pitkon Installing msi right now...
Nightbreed cool.. there's tons of themes for it at devart
clovemagic That sound you hear is the crowd going wild! ::cheers:: NB, you have done more to distract me from grading . . . stop it! (j/k... never stop . . .:-D)
Nightbreed lol.. thanks Clove.. just give me a D+ so I can pass the class ;-)
clovemagic NB, anyone who thinks as creatively as you do would never make a D in my class. That grade is earned by the students who only want to do it the way everybody else has always done it. Boring . . . zzzzzzz.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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