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VistaMenu :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Hi all. Just wanted to share a screenshot I made showing an idea that I got from Lost in the box forum. Here I created a menu that is invoked by the right mouse click and goes away with a right mouse click on the desktop. It has enough controls in it to not need a taskbar or anything else on the desktop :)

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Vista 
Wallpaper Grass 

Pitkon A very clever idea - tho I'd like to know what we can do with the taskbar :D And the style looks great! BTW, will u do me a favor? Send me a line I changed accounts and wanna make sure that this works... Thanx!
Nightbreed The taskbar is built into the menu using bbsystembarEX :) along with bbtextclock and bbiconbox for the tray and desktop icons... Yeah, I'll send ya an email.. And thanks :)
Pitkon Well, maybe we r looking at another shell... Lol... Great work, Gary - and thenk YOU! :)
Nightbreed No problem Pitkon.. lol.. Soon as I put together a few scripts for pinning and autohide I'll post the project incase anyone wants to use it..
Pitkon I bet many will - to experiment, at least...
cthu1hu Nice use of borders on the window buttons. I think you've created the most minimalist shell ever.
Malnilion Great style. I don't know if I'd call it the most minimalist shell ever since the most minimalist would technically lack anything but a right click menu :)
punkboy Cool concept! @Malnilion - the most minimalist shell would consist of onlt hot keys :)
Nightbreed thanks all. Tell me.. what could be designed that would be both minimal and work well in a heavy workflow envirnment. Between bbi and tcl4bb there must be something that can be created to create some kind of middle ground
Nightbreed You're right punkboy, thanks for the reminder... I just mapped the panel to my win key
cthu1hu Both minimal and work well in a heavy workflow? I believe they call that blackbox :P
Pitkon Breed, have u e-mailed me?
Nightbreed Yes Pitkon, I email you.. I'll check to see if the email came back. lol you're right I think a more inteligent form of program launching is what I'm after.. i.e, if you are going to work in a graphic envirnment and need your most used tools avail with minimal amounts of mouse clicks to get to them, you would create a launcher that used the mouse down to load a bbiconbox with nothing but graphic based tools, then the mouse up would launch the actual program. That's one concept.
Pitkon Didn't get no mail... And I still think a wharf is the easiest way to run apps, especially if u have a lot...
Nightbreed A warf is fine but what I'm talking about is an extending the actual launch of the app. Such as a game for example... When I launch a game, I use a bbkontroller shortcut that scripts the shutdown of all bb plugins and then launches the game... But I have most of what I am talking about already completed. I'll post that to the forum. This is really difficult to explain so I think doing a quick example would be better ;-)
clovemagic I'm looking for a hotkey to launch a big sponge that will soak all this up. ;-D
Nightbreed what? ya mean you're keyboard doesn't have a sponge key?.. lmao... upgrade time
Rookie i love the 3d's feeling,nice one. but maybe a stupid question from a newbie,is it a bbinterface frame rather than a normal menu? i still dont know what the volume control in the pitkon's menu really this one.....><
Pitkon Rookie, the volume bar is part of BBLean Mod. Get it from link
Pitkon Oh, forgot. To display the volume bar, insert this in ur menu.rc: [volume] (Volume) before and after a [nop]
Rookie Sorry for not asking u directly.u r really a kind man,pete:) Thanks a lot !!
Pitkon It's ok - and u r very welcome :)
Nightbreed This volume control is actually a bbi script however... :D

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