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Ghost Shell :: Purple User Purple
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Wallpaper "Nature Captured" wallpaper by unknown artist.. 

circa1974 There are so many possibilities for great colours in that wallpaper. link
clovemagic Interesting style. I like the way the menu frame and toolbar disappear into the background. And this is one of my all time favorite wallpapers.
Pitkon The wallpaper is not by an "unknown artist", it's by Silveryn link who gave me permission to use his wall for a style link Will u please stop ripping other artists' walls and zip them in ur style files on devart? U r not helping the Blackbox community this way...
purple Pitkon man,i really dont have time to search for guys i dont know.. For god sake i has that picture for a while and i has only pictures name and if i know the guys name i would undersign him but i didnt and what now..?? Stop making styles without artists permission?? Not me! I'm sick of that "moralist" way of attitude.. I just could post link to the wall without bothering to undersign the artist at all.. but i undersign "EVERY" artist with known name on my piuctures name but now i didnt has the name of guy so i didnt know what to write.. Anotherwise,i made this style FOR me and post it to people see it and DL only if they like it..If u're such moralist i mention above than PLEASE dont DL f*ckin' style at all! Other thing is that im limited with internet beacause of dial-up acess AND i got another people on the same phone line and i cant spend much time bcz they are going to my nervs all the time for that.. I know the feeling of seeing your wallpaper used by some guy somwhere but if guy gave me an undersign i'm not going to flip out.. But if not i'd normaly start buzzing him 4 that.. And STOP buzzing ME any longer for the same shit pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pitkon "The same shit" is not the most responsible way to address this, Purple. U can author as many styles u want and u can upload them anywhere u want, but it's not decent to distribute other people's work without their permission. It's not decent, it's not proper, and it's not a community thing. This is a community, u know, and we gotta respect each other's rights. It's quite alright to use an artist's work as a background for ur styles (would be nice to name the artist, tho) but u can't include it in ur zip files, unless u have permission to do so. I'm not preaching here: I made the same mistake myself some years ago (with one of Niven's walls, no less) but I learned how wrong that was. I even wrote to Niven to apologize (the guy didn't even know) and he not only forgave me, but gave me a carte blanche to use his works for styles. That's the community spirit. All u gotta do is make some time to "search for guys u don't know" but whose work u feel u can freely use. You will find out they r decent guys, part of this great community of ours.
Nightbreed The point is.. using a wallpaper for a screenshot is one thing. Distributing it could be a copyright infringement. That could cause problems with this as well as devart, since that is the site you linked to. I'm not ragging on you Purple, but, I've done the same once in the past over at and I got the same thing. After that I just either got permission or just didn't post the image. I'm sure people here will help in finding the artist of a particular picture, I've seen them do it, if you approach it in a possitive way. I find myself even googling around to track down a picture's artist for people time to time. It is a nice style btw. I don't think you have use all the colors in a wallpaper in order to make it work.
auto Screenshots are considered fair use but including someone elses work in your zip file without permission is copyright infringement. We are not attacking you here it's just bad for this site and the community in general.
circa1974 temper temper
clovemagic I'm sorry but in what universe is ok to violate the rights of others because it is not convenient for you, and then jump down the throats of people who request that you behave decently in their community? And by the way, copyright infringement is illegal. Ignorance is understandable; outright disregard is another matter. Too bad, too, because I like this style.
sMs im with u Purple.. u just need to mention its not ur wallpaper.. thats all.. leaving la vida loca =D
Nightbreed another reason this site should have membership
Pitkon I don't know, Breed... Personally, I'm against private clubs, and I like open sites where everyone can contribute, exchange ideas, or just download styles and get ideas from screenies. On the other hand, maybe what we need is some emphasis on ethics, something that can make this community better. I don't think sMs supports ripping - he probably didn't realize we r talking about [i] distributing [i] works of art without permission. He must have thought we were talking about screenies - which, of course, are free to post. But ethics is perhaps an apt topic for the forums...
Pitkon I don't know, Breed... Personally, I'm against private clubs, and I like open sites where everyone can contribute, exchange ideas, or just download styles and get ideas from screenies. On the other hand, maybe what we need is some emphasis on ethics, something that can make this community better. I don't think sMs supports ripping - he probably didn't realize we r talking about [i] distributing [i] works of art without permission. He must have thought we were talking about screenies - which, of course, are free to post. But ethics is perhaps an apt topic for the forums...
Pitkon Oops, sorry for the double post...
Nightbreed lol.. I know Pitkon.. maybe I'll do a style around an mp3 and post it.. j/k of course.. lmao
Pitkon lmao. breed... :D
purple u know what guys.. i'm going to do the same thing i ever did.. im going to make even more good styles and continue to udersign artists if i know their name or link.. but im not going to pray for their permission after "Mr.Art Of Shity Greg Martin" moron incident Pete.. i dont give a FU*K..
sMs im with u Purple =D fuk the rest hahaha =P just kidding.. u people get too serious about this lil thing... cmon... it s his problem.. not urs.. so let him be.. FREE PURPLE FROM THEM! and VIVA BUSH! FUK BIN LADEN!
DA Member and i think that jealousy has the little role here as well ;(
DA Member i mean look @ the styles of this Purle guy and this others..Pitkons,clov
emagic.. i think that just Nightbreed has equal potential as this Purple guy...
circa1974 i find it poor taste to elude purples skills are equal to that of nightbreed. it would take a moron to miss noticing his contributions in the way of interface design not to mention the introduction of "icons" in the menu by way of the font he has developed. Someone give DA Member some glasses.
doctorfrog i smell an alt nick.
auto Yeah the speech pattern is exactly the same.
purple i must say that i really dont agree with this DA guy.. i didnt know that DA Stuf has their email accounts on yahoo.. IM NOT THAT GUYYYYYYYYY!!!
purple and i really dont see a permission OR undersigned author here.. link
Nightbreed The problem is purple, if too many people do this sort of thing, it could put a lean on this site as well devart for posted copyright material. Packing and distributing images carries the same legal penilties as any media. If an artist of a particualar image saw his work being distributed without permission, he or she could bring legal action against the site.
Nightbreed You have to remember, the admins of this site gives people a place to share their ideas and creations. You should have enough respect for this site as well as the other users and not put the site at risk of being shut down
SNEWB' and 'NERFSHAMANS' and what we'll have here is a WoW forum post (;
Malnilion Guys, I understand the concern about what Purple is doing, but honestly this site is not distributing anybody else's work. is in no danger of legal liability for Purple's mistake. Now, having said this, Purple it'd be a good idea to listen to people's warnings because you would be the one bearing the brunt of the blow.
circa1974 how can you be so thick headed. providing a link to one of snkmchnb's styles would only help your position if he was redistributing copyrighted material in the way you are doing. Pointing a person to the wallpaper as it is linked by the original creator isnt much different then telling a music fan to buy a cd at walmart where the artist has already made it available. Including it for redistribution with your work would be equated to burning cds of the artist and selliing them in your crappy garage sale. Take ownership of your wrong doing and just adjust your behavior accordingly. You are new here.. realise that.. and then take time to realise that 90% of the people accusing you of what you are doing know what they are talking about. If you arent pleased with the way people are receiving your behavior here there is one simple solution. Post your styles on devart and leave alone.
Tres`ni Wow, a little out of hand here. Okay. This will be the last thing said on this topic, in this thread. 1) There has been no infringment here so I won't be removing the screeny or anything. 2) Distributing a wallpaper without the author's permission is copyright infringement in the US, which are the laws that guide this site. 3) If you think infringement has happened, contact the proper authorities [in this case, DeviantArt staff] as there is nothing I can do about offsite links. purple: The link you posted does not contain the wallpaper. As stated before, screenshots are fair use, uploading the wall as part of a zip without prior permission, differant story.
WeeBee I just wonder what's the name of that "application icons list plugin" thats horrisontally at top. Looks good and I want it! =) Plz tell.
tech10171968 WeeBee, I just sent you an email explaining that litle app you see across the top of the screenie.
purple Ok let make an compromise.. I'll release 2 more done styles on my way and after that i'll post just links to the wallpapers.. I really dont see the point of..posting link to wall and pack it in the zip.. that wall will be downloaded anyway.. and of course with undersigned artist in both cases if i got his name.. i'm sorry if i kicked someones but but i didnt want to hurt anyone.. And how come that all this debate starts now after release of 20 of my styles..
purple One more thing.. All this things about concern for artistsu barely know or dont at all.. You dare to say to me all this after filling your computer with total BUNCH of mp3's.. or u think that the case with isnt like the one we talked above?? No,no.. i get it.. The thing is that THOSE artist DONT see what are you doing with THEIR work and that gives you the right to continue filling your HDD and freely distribute it on the eMule,Kaaza, and other shity little programs.. Dont u thing that double standards are geting involved here GUYS?? Know what..sometimes i think that people talk rubbish just to distroy silence or break their bore..without concern that THE stuff they say maybe doesnt mean anything to people who really listen what are they talk.. New page for me from here and one big -----> .
WeeBee Thanks tech
WeeBee Tech, I didn't got your mail? My mail is right so I don't know why? Will you please try to send it again?
Pitkon WeeBee, the app launcher is ObjectDock (there are others around, like YZ Dock, MobyDock etc.) Get this one from link It's free (yet)
WeeBee Ok thanks
Pitkon U r very welcome

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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